Welcome to "Pug Luv"

Michigan Pug Rescue
"Pug Luv"
the one with the heart

Pages of Interest

Last Updated:
4/26/2024 6:11 PM


Animal Success Stories
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© Copyright 2018 Michigan Pug Rescue, Pug Luv. All Rights Reserved.

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

I wanted to update you on our wonderful "Frug". George came to us on New Year's Eve and his name was Chet. We named him George Chetland, and often call him "Chettie" and "Georgie Porgie". He has turned out to be a great pal and blessing. He has graduated from Puppy Kindergarten and his Intermediate class, of course, as valedictorian. Later this summer he will be starting his advanced class and will take his test to become a Canine Good Citizen through the AKC. George tends to be a hit wherever he goes. People often stop and ponder what he really is. I get the typical: my that's a big pug. As soon as I tell them he's half french bulldog they nod and say he looks more like a pug. I tend to agree until he throws his typical Frenchie "bat-ears" up and then he looks like a different dog. George absolutely loves his long walks. He frequents Main St in Rochester about everyday for a meet and greet. He loves to travel to Ohio several times a month to visit his grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins of both the human and dog variety. He has a Rottweiler uncle, Chiweenie and German Shepherd cousins that love to run and play with George. I must admit, George is quiet spoiled. He loves being held like a baby, sleeps in bed, goes on car rides, loves the groomer and yes, unfortunately, has a chair at the table that he sits at. He is a fun-loving, sweet, snugly and extremely playful little boy that we adore. I am so glad you rescued "Chet" from that shelter. He has made himself right at home and is a great furry friend. Thanks so much for all you did for him. He is where God intended him to be!!! Michelle Hertzfeld and Ross Kersey

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